Website soft re-launch

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Hello world. Roll out the red carpet. Bring on the bubbly. Coral the celebrities. We’ve got a website re-launch to celebrate!

Welcome to… Wait, what? Budget cuts? … How much? … No budget at all?!

Uhm… Well, then… Return the carpet to the carpet store. Pack up the bubbly. Cancel Steven Seagal’s appearance. Honestly, that last one is probably a win-win for all parties concerned.

Low budget aside, about a month in the making, I’m pleased to welcome you to the new Having unshackled myself from the chains of a partially self-managed solution and instead shackled myself to a more managed solution, I hope to make this blog resemble more of a… Well, blog!

I’ve acknowledged I now wish to spend as little time as possible related to the tech behind the website and instead maximize the time I have to make content and create projects. Speaking of which, my latest open-source project LyricManager is now available in my portfolio.

Have a look, and hopefully I’ll see you here again real soon!






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